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1. Even though you hired a repairman to come to your home, you feel bad that you can’t help him.
2. Sometimes you can get so into a TV show or podcast that you start to think the people in it are your friends.
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3. When you read an email you just sent again, you often try to picture how the recipient might feel.
4. When a couple tells you they are going to have a child, you can’t help but picture them making love.
5. Just in case, you practice having an argument with someone on both sides ahead of time.
6. You often talk to the pets but not the people who own them.
7. Even though you like both the book and the movie, you hate it when actors from the movie are put on the book covers.
8. You say “ouch” even if you didn’t feel anything when you bumped into something and no one was around.
9. You have a strong urge to delete every notification for no reason other than to keep your phone clean.
10. You have this weird need to wear clothes that aren’t your favorites so that you can be fair to all of them.
11. You have to find the right TV show to watch before you can eat the food you just cooked for yourself, even if that means it will get cold.
12. You don’t like it when people say your name out loud.
13. When you realize you’re lost, you might want to turn down the radio.
14. You can’t have a long phone conversation without giving a full tour of your house.
15. Even if you are doing something legal, you often worry that other people in the store will think you are stealing.
16. When you open the fridge and find nothing good to eat, you close it and then open it again to look for food.
17. When you’re just going about your day or trying to fall asleep, your brain often brings up a humiliating event from years ago.
18. You always look behind the shower curtain before going into the bathroom to make sure no one is hiding there.
19. Sometimes you can feel your phone vibrating even when it isn’t.
20. You feel like you have to cross quickly because you don’t want the person who is slowing down to think you’re taking advantage of them.
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